‘Another wine we do not produce in house, but have been selling for eight years is Maison Borgeat Les Civilles. Maison Borgeat produces up to 80,000 bottles per year. The 2022 ‘1856’ wine is a bright, light, easy drinking wine with flavors of blackberries and raspberries and some oranges on the finish.

Most will be exported to China and also to American markets that we’re opening up.’ġ856 wine from Maison Borgeat Maison Borgeat The year 2022 was the first vintage of 1856 wine, a blend of 70% Merlot and 30% Cabernet Sauvignon. Second, our family’s coat of arms-which represents an M and B and today is our Maison Borgeat logo-was also created in 1856. We named our own estate wine ‘1856’ for two reasons. It’s planted with Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. That’s twelve hectares that are adjacent, and which extend all the way to the Gironde estuary. While we renovated, we also bought part of what used to be the château’s vineyard. ‘But in the 1960’s the vineyard was sold separately from the château itself, so it completely lost its winemaking facilities. People are happy about this arrangement and it’s much easier to manage.

We don’t serve food but they can hire a caterer or private chef easily. They are fully independent and book at least a year in advance. They have access to ten bedrooms with a kitchen and living rooms and pool and park on private land. I had to learn everything from scratch and it was a lot of work. That was very intense because we were very, very popular and crowded and we’re not specialists in hotel management. Five rooms we rented individually, like a small hotel, for two seasons. That was Covid time and a very uncertain time. We opened for guests in 2020-Château Borgeat de Lagrange. We did work ourselves but also hired a plumber and electrician. Château Borgeat de Lagrange at sunset Maison Borgeat